
Department of Psychology S1 S2
Year 2 : Psycolgy : Bachelor
Department of Ecology and Environment S1 S2
Year 1 : Fundamental and Applied Ecology : Master
Year 1 : Artificial intelligence in the service of sus : Master
Year 2 : Fundamental and Applied Ecology : Master
Department of Nutritional Sciences S1 S2
Year 2 : Food science : Bachelor
Year 1 : Agri-food and quality control : Master
Archive of the former Mathematics and Computer Science Dept S1 S2
Year 1 : ARCHIVED: SC - Maths & Comp Science : Bachelor - Section 2 -
Year 1 : ARCHIVED: SC - Maths & Comp Science : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Department of Computer Science S1 S2
Year 1 : SC : Computer Science : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : SC : Computer Science : Bachelor - Section 2 -
Year 2 : Socle Commun Informatique L2 : Bachelor
Year 3 : Computer Science : Bachelor
Year 1 : Software Engineering : Master
Year 1 : Web and Artificial Intelligence : Master
Year 2 : Software Engineering : Master
Year 2 : Web and Artificial Intelligence : Master
Department of Mathematics S1 S2
Year 1 : SC : Mathematics : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Socle Commun Mathématiques et mathématiques a : Bachelor
Year 3 : Mathematics : Bachelor
Year 1 : Applied Mathematics : Master
Year 2 : Applied Mathematics : Master
Department of Fundamental Education in Science and Technology S1 S2
Year 1 : SC : Science and Technology : Bachelor - Section 2 -
Year 1 : SC : Science and Technology : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Second Year : Control : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Electrotechnology : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Civil Engineering : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Chemical engineering : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Mechanical Engineering : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Hydraulic : Bachelor
Year 2 : 2nd Year Electro-Mecanical Engineering : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Electronic : Bachelor
Department of French Language S1 S2
Year 1 : French Language : Bachelor
Year 2 : French Language : Bachelor
Year 3 : French Language : Bachelor
Year 1 : Didactics of foreign languages : Master
Year 1 : language sciences : Master
Year 2 : Didactics of foreign languages : Master
Year 2 : language sciences : Master
Department of Civil Engineering S1 S2
Year 3 : Civil Engineering : Bachelor
Year 3 : Hydraulic : Bachelor
Year 1 : Structures : Master
Year 1 : Urban Hydraulics : Master
Year 1 : Geotechnics : Master
Year 1 : Matériaux en génie civil : Master
Year 2 : Urban Hydraulics : Master
Year 2 : Geotechnics : Master
Year 2 : Structures : Master
Year 2 : Matériaux en génie civil : Master
Year 1 : Civil Engineering Engineer :
Year 2 : Civil Engineering Engineer : - Section 1 -
Department of Electrical Engineering S1 S2
Year 3 : Control : Bachelor
Year 3 : electrotechnical : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Electric machines : Master
Year 1 : Automatique : Master - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Industrial Electrotechnics : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Electric machines : Master
Year 2 : Automatique : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Industrial Electrotechnics : Master - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Electrical engineer :
Year 2 : Electrical engineer : - Section 1 -
Department of Fundamental Education in Management S1 S2
Year 1 : TC : Economic, Commercial and Management Scie : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : TC : Economic, Commercial and Management Scie : Bachelor - Section 2 -
Department of Economics S1 S2
Year 2 : Second Year : Economy : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 3 : Monetary and financial economics : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 3 : Economy And Management Of Companies : Bachelor
Year 3 : Business economics : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Economy And Management Of Companies : Master
Year 1 : Monetary Economics And Banking : Master
Year 1 : Economie monétaire et Financière : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Economy And Management Of Companies : Master
Year 2 : Monetary Economics And Banking : Master
Year 2 : Economie monétaire et Financière : Master - Section 1 -
Department of Management Sciences S1 S2
Year 2 : Second Year : Management : Bachelor
Year 3 : Entrepreneurship : Bachelor
Year 3 : Management : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Management : Master
Year 1 : Finance : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Management : Master
Year 2 : Finance : Master - Section 1 -
Department of Commercial Sciences S1 S2
Year 2 : Second Year : Commercial Sciences : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 3 : Finance and International Trade : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 3 : marketing : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Services Marketing : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Services Marketing : Master - Section 1 -
Department of Information and Communication Sciences S1 S2
Year 2 : Communication sciences : Bachelor
Year 3 : Information : Bachelor
Year 3 : Communication : Bachelor
Year 1 : Organisational Communication : Master
Year 1 : Communication sciences: com. and Public Relat : Master
Year 2 : Communication sciences: com. and Public Relat : Master
Year 2 : Organisational Communication : Master
Department of Sociology S1 S2
Year 2 : Social Sciences: Sociology : Bachelor
Year 3 : Sociology : Bachelor
Year 1 : Sociology of delinquency and criminality : Master
Year 1 : Sociology of Education : Master
Year 1 : Sociologie de l'organisation et du travail : Master
Year 2 : Sociology of delinquency and criminality : Master
Year 2 : Sociology of Education : Master
Year 2 : Sociologie de l'organisation et du travail : Master
Department of Biological Sciences S1 S2
Year 3 : Biology and Plant Physiology : Bachelor
Year 3 : Ecology and Environment : Bachelor
Year 3 : Animal Biology and Physiology : Bachelor
Year 3 : biochemistry : Bachelor
Year 3 : Aquaculture and fish farming : Bachelor
Year 3 : Biology and ecology of aquatic environments : Bachelor
Year 3 : Microbiology : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Ecodiversity and plant physiology : Master
Year 1 : Animal ecophysiology : Master
Year 1 : Microbiology : Master
Year 1 : Aquaculture : Master
Year 1 : Aquatic Ecosystems : Master
Year 1 : Plant biology and environment : Master
Year 1 : Animal ecotoxicology : Master
Year 1 : Applied Biochemistry : Master
Year 2 : Aquatic Ecosystems : Master
Year 2 : Plant biology and environment : Master
Year 2 : Aquaculture : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Applied Biochemistry : Master
Year 2 : Microbiology : Master
Year 2 : Animal ecotoxicology : Master
Department of Process Engineering S1 S2
Year 3 : Process Engineering : Bachelor
Year 1 : Environmental process engineering : Master
Year 1 : chemical engineering : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Environmental process engineering : Master
Year 2 : chemical engineering : Master - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Process Engineering Engineer :
Year 2 : Process Engineering Engineer : - Section 1 -
Department of Mechanical Engineering S1 S2
Year 3 : Industrial Maintenance : Bachelor
Year 3 : Mechanical Engineering : Bachelor
Year 3 : Construction mécanique : Bachelor
Year 1 : Industrial Maintenance : Master
Year 1 : Mechanical and production manufacturing : Master
Year 1 : Electromechanical : Master
Year 2 : Industrial Maintenance : Master
Year 2 : Mechanical and production manufacturing : Master
Year 2 : Electromechanical : Master
Year 1 : Mechanical Engineering Engineer :
Year 2 : Mechanical Engineering Engineer :
Department of Arabic Language and Literature S1 S2
Year 1 : Arabic Language and Literature : Bachelor
Year 1 : Arabic Language and Literature : Bachelor
Year 2 : Linguistic Studies : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Literary Studies : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 3 : General linguistics : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 3 : Arabic Literature : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 1 : General linguistics : Master - Section 1 -
Year 1 : Modern Arab literature and contemporary : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : General linguistics : Master - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Modern Arab literature and contemporary : Master - Section 1 -
Department of Sporting Disciplines S1 S2
Year 3 : Education and kinetics : Bachelor
Year 3 : competitive Sports Training : Bachelor
Year 3 : gestion des ressources humaines et des infras : Bachelor
Year 1 : Physical activity and school sports : Master
Year 1 : Elite sports training : Master
Year 1 : Management of sports infrastructure and human : Master
Year 2 : Physical activity and school sports : Master
Year 2 : Elite sports training : Master
Year 2 : Management of sports infrastructure and human : Master
Department of Agricultural Sciences S1 S2
Year 2 : Agronomy Sciences : Bachelor
Year 3 : Agriculture and environment : Bachelor
Year 3 : animal production : Bachelor
Year 3 : vegetable production : Bachelor
Year 1 : Animal Production : Master
Year 1 : Agroecology : Master
Year 2 : Animal Production : Master
Year 2 : Agroecology : Master
Year 1 : Agronomy Science Engineer :
Year 2 : Agronomy Science Engineer :
Department of Veterinary Sciences S1 S2
Year 1 : Doctor of Veterinary :
Year 2 : Doctor of Veterinary :
Year 3 : Doctor of Veterinary :
Year 4 : Doctor of Veterinary :
Year 5 : Doctor of Veterinary :
Department of Public Law S1 S2
Year 3 : Public Law : Bachelor
Year 1 : Administrative Law : Master
Year 1 : Droit international public : Master
Year 2 : Administrative Law : Master
Year 2 : Droit international public : Master
Department of Fundamental Education in Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities S1 S2
Year 1 : SC : Physical and Sports Education. : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Activité physique et sportive éducative -2 : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Administration et gestion du sport -2 : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Entrainement sportif -2 : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Department of Private Law S1 S2
Year 3 : Private Law : Bachelor
Year 1 : Business Law : Master
Year 2 : Business Law : Master
Department of Common Education in Social and Human Sciences S1 S2
Year 1 : SC : Humanities : Bachelor
Department of Medicine S1 S2
Year 1 : Medicine : - Section 1 -
Department of History S1 S2
Year 2 : History-2 : Bachelor
Year 3 : Histoire Générale : Bachelor
Year 1 : Modern History of the Maghreb : Master
Year 2 : Modern History of the Maghreb : Master - Section 1 -
Department of Financial Sciences and Accounting S1 S2
Year 2 : Second Year: financial science and Accounting : Bachelor
Year 3 : Finance : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 3 : Accounting And Taxation : Bachelor
Year 3 : Accounting : Bachelor
Year 1 : Accounting and auditing : Master
Year 1 : Entreprise Finance : Master
Year 2 : Accounting and auditing : Master
Year 2 : Entreprise Finance : Master
Department of English Language S1 S2
Year 1 : English Language : Bachelor
Year 2 : English Language : Bachelor
Year 3 : English Language : Bachelor
Year 1 : Didactics of foreign languages (English) : Master
Year 2 : Didactics of foreign languages (English) : Master
S1 S2
Department of Common Education in Natural and Life Sciences S1 S2
Year 1 : SC- biologie : Bachelor - Section 2 -
Year 1 : SC- biologie : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : Marin and Continental Hydrobiology -2 : Bachelor
Year 2 : Biological Sciences -2 : Bachelor
Year 2 : Ecologie et Environnement-2 : Bachelor
Department of Common Education in Law S1 S2
Year 1 : SC : Law & Politics : Bachelor - Section 2 -
Year 1 : SC : Law & Politics : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : SC : Law & Politics : Bachelor - Section 1 -
Year 2 : SC : Law & Politics : Bachelor - Section 2 -
Department of Material Sciences S1 S2
Year 1 : SC : Material Science : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Chemistry : Bachelor
Year 2 : Second Year : Physics : Bachelor
Year 3 : Analytical Chemistry : Bachelor
Year 3 : Organic Chemistry : Bachelor
Year 3 : Fundamental Physics : Bachelor
Year 1 : Chimie analytique : Master
Year 1 : Chimie organique : Master
Year 1 : Radiation physics : Master
Year 1 : Condensed Matter Physics : Master
Year 2 : Chimie analytique : Master
Year 2 : Chimie organique : Master
Year 2 : Radiation physics : Master
Year 2 : Condensed Matter Physics : Master